
The problem with Open Source Software


              The Problem with Open Source Software

Open-Source Software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available and licensed with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.【1】
    In this video, Mon Jun Merrett ,the software developer, shares ideas on problems to Open Source Software. I found this video worth sharing because Mon Jun Merrett offers practical problems in the open source community. Personally, I gained lots of insight  into what to expect, and considering to perfect developing in open source.
    The first view shared by Mon Jun Merrett is that every part of the open code should be clear. That is to say the code should be read by somebody else. Developer should be able to make sense of it. And that might make a job effectively. In most case, somebody does not know clearly what they want to cite. So if any part of codes explaining by description, then others could know the meaning of every part they will quote and know exactly the size of codes should be used, avoiding mistakes. 

What's more, the second major problem is that open source should be module. That is to say each piece of code that as a specific job should be in a clearly defined place and should not have side effects upon a part outside define. Most people in the open source community should note this and be familiar with object-oriented programming. Ruby is an object warranted language a lot of people familiar with this idea. I mean this idea keeps everything absolutely clear and completely modular. For example, car Margiela 22 really emphasized the importance on modularity .

